If your circumstances permit, we would be grateful to have you support our general operating expenses through our Los Padrinos Annual Campaign. When you donate through Los Padrinos, you become one of “The Godparents” of Mission Road.
We understand supporting general operations is not especially exciting, and yet gifts like yours are critical to the financial health of our organization.
Why are we so grateful for gifts that benefit general operations???
General operations donation help to assure ing that business experts are managing operational needs such as:
- Payroll (70+% of our budget)
- Employee recruitment, hiring, and training (each new hire cost $2,400+)
- Finance and Accounting
- Fundraising
- Rent and utilities
- Management and administrative services
Your donation to Los Padrinos enables the leaders of our client programs, like Lora Butler and her team, to concentrate on caring for the vulnerable people who count on us, while allowing our business leaders, like Toby Summers and Carol White, to expertly manage our organization.
When you can trust the PEOPLE, you can trust the PROCESS. We are committed to maintaining our exceptional people programs by maintaining our solid business foundation.
- We are committed to being trusted stewards of your generous gift.
- We are committed to running a tight ship.
- We are committed to providing exceptional care to the vulnerable people who count on us.
Thank you for serving as our Godparents – our Los Padrinos!
Two ways to give:
1. Through the Valero Texas Open Champions fore Charity.
Valero will graciously grow your gift with a 7% match! CLICK HERE to give through VTO Champions fore Charity (VTO-CfC). April 11, 2023 – final day to contribute through VTO-CfC.
2. Directly to Mission Road
To donate online directly to Mission Road, please complete and submit the form below.