Mission Road Ministries

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ISS Free To Be Day Activity Program

We have fun!

Free To Be is our Individualized Skills & Socialization Program located on our Main Campus – Mission Road Developmental Center – on the city’s southside. We provide a stimulating environment for adults with IDD (intellectual and other developmental disabilities) mild to severe medical needs. We do this by providing both person-centered on-site and off-site activities. Through the years, this program has been referred to as adult day care, adult day hab (habilitation), and DAHS (Day Activity Health Services). The health and well-being of the people in our care and their families are our top priority.


  • Open Monday through Friday from 8:00am – 3:00pm
  • Located on our 22-acre campus on the banks of the San Antonio River near Mission San Juan
  • For adults with differing levels of disability
  • Provides care for the physical, mental, medical, and social needs of our clients
  • Serves adults who may not be eligible for traditional day services due to the extent of their disability
Helping your loved one reach their greatest, God-given potential for Independence, Productivity, and Inclusion in the Community

Where do we go? What do we do?

  • Our Off-Site Frequent Field Trips Include: Tobin Center, Zoo, Movies, Parks, Libraries, Restaurants, the Missions, Rampage Games, Silver Stars games, Morgan’s Wonderland, Witte Museum, and more!
  • Our On-Site Stimulating classroom activities Include: Baking in our life skills kitchen, Painting, Ceramics, Use of Smart Boards, Daily Exercises, Crafts, Yoga, Karaoke, Zumba, Sensory Items, Fun Events, & More!
  • Our amazing amenities offer Daily outdoor activities at our Fitness Park, Sports Court, air-conditioned gym, olive orchard, two playgrounds, and covered swimming pool!
  • We also offer Homemade, nutritious, delicious lunches and snacks!


  • What is ISS?

    ISS stands for Individualized Skills & Socialization. Effective March 1st, 2023 the term “Day Hab” has been replaced with “ISS”. Under ISS, adults are able to have a more person-centered program that is unique to the individual. ISS is made up of on-site activities and off-site activities. This newly licensed program is meant to have our individuals more community integrated and geared towards community inclusion.

  • What funding do you accept for the ISS Program?

    While the ISS services program is funded by the Medicaid waiver programs of HCS/TxHmLv and DBMD, we do accept individuals funded through CLASS, ICF, GR, and private pay. Please note we do not accept Medicaid such as Molina, Star Plus or other HMOs.

  • How will the off-site activities work?

    Both ISS Programs will provide a mix of free and affordable activities. Unicorn Center will provide a calendar two weeks in advance, allowing your individual to sign up for the off-site activities. The calendar will show which activity costs money and the amount for that specific activity.

  • Will my individual have to go on outings?

    No. It is up to the individual/ guardian to decide if they would like to attend the off-site activities.

  • What does on-site activities mean? What does off-site activities mean?

    On-site activities are activities that are happening on campus. This could be playing basketball on our sports court, learning new skills through the use of our Smart Boards, financial literacy, culinary classes, completing care packages for the underserved in our community and much more! Off-site activities are activities happening out in the community. This could be going to HEB, bowling, the movies, the library, and more!

  • What are “Off-Site Ratios”?

    HHSC has implemented off-site ratios for safer community involvement and interaction. The ratios vary depending on the individual’s level of need. If an individual has a level of need of 1 or 5, the ratio is 1 staff member for 8 individuals. If the individual has a level of need of 6 or 8, then the staffing ratio is 1 staff member per 2 individuals.

Want to see how much fun we have?

The Texas Health & Human Services Commission monitor and license the program.


Program Interest Form

If you are interested in one of our services for your loved one, start by contacting AACOG (Alamo Area Council of Governments) to begin the screening and assessment process to determine if your client or loved one qualifies for IDD services. Once this is completed, you can fill out our interest form below and a Mission Road program director will reach out to you to determine which programs might be appropriate and available.

  • (Please check all that apply)