Mission Road Ministries

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ISS Day Activity Program

We have fun!

The Individualized Skills and Socialization Program (formerly known as Day Activity) is hosted at our Unicorn Centers campus provides the people in our care with an active, vibrant day program. Our ISS program includes both on-site and off-site activities and is completely person-centered.

Our team works closely with our participants– adults with IDD, to be included in a community-based environment where we help them learn, improve, and retain the life skills that are essential to living and participating successfully in home and community life.

How we help and are included in the community… We helped feed 5,000 people and had fun doing it! CLICK HERE to learn more. For many years, our program has been partnering with financial leaders, neighboring congregations, and local charities to do inclusive ministry volunteering that allows members of our program to play a role in uplifting the lives of others who are struggling. Dozens of people in our program have participated numerous times over the years.

Visit our Facebook page to see some great photo examples of our clients’ volunteer work!

Off-site Activities Include (but are not limited to) :

  • Libraries
  • Restaurants
  • Malls
  • Stores
  • Aquarium
  • Bowling
  • The Zoo
  • Morgan’s Wonderland
  • Senior Centers
  • Coffee Shops
  • Museums
  • Volunteer Opportunities around SA
  • & MORE!

On-site Activities Include (but are not limited to) :

  • Safely using a Stove, Oven, and Dishwasher
  • Food Safety & Meal Planning
  • Following Recipes
  • Washing and Drying Clothes
  • Money Management
  • Recognizing Coins & Paper Money
  • Making Change
  • Writing Checks & Making Bank Deposits
  • Health & Hygiene
  • Personal Grooming
  • Brushing teeth
  • Hair & Skin Care
  • Hand Washing
  • Daily Exercise
  • Walking & Jogging
  • Yoga & Dancing
  • Resistance & Weight Training
  • Managing Emotions & Mental Health
  • Counting on One’s Self
  • Choosing Kind Words & Actions
  • Taking Medication
  • Sleep & Relaxation Techniques


  • What is ISS?

    ISS stands for Individualized Skills & Socialization. Effective March 1st, 2023 the term “Day Hab” has been replaced with “ISS”. Under ISS, adults are able to have a more person-centered program that is unique to the individual. ISS is made up of on-site activities and off-site activities. This newly licensed program is meant to have our individuals more community integrated and geared towards community inclusion.

  • What funding do you accept for the ISS Program?

    While the ISS services program is funded by the Medicaid waiver programs of HCS/TxHmLv and DBMD, we do accept individuals funded through CLASS, ICF, GR, and private pay. Please note we do not accept Medicaid such as Molina, Star Plus or other HMOs.

  • How will the off-site activities work?

    Both ISS Programs will provide a mix of free and affordable activities. Unicorn Center will provide a calendar two weeks in advance, allowing your individual to sign up for the off-site activities. The calendar will show which activity costs money and the amount for that specific activity.

  • Will my individual have to go on outings?

    No. It is up to the individual/ guardian to decide if they would like to attend the off-site activities.

  • What does on-site activities mean? What does off-site activities mean?

    On-site activities are activities that are happening on campus. This could be playing basketball on our sports court, learning new skills through the use of our Smart Boards, financial literacy, culinary classes, completing care packages for the underserved in our community and much more! Off-site activities are activities happening out in the community. This could be going to HEB, bowling, the movies, the library, and more!

  • What are “Off-Site Ratios”?

    HHSC has implemented off-site ratios for safer community involvement and interaction. The ratios vary depending on the individual’s level of need. If an individual has a level of need of 1 or 5, the ratio is 1 staff member for 8 individuals. If the individual has a level of need of 6 or 8, then the staffing ratio is 1 staff member per 2 individuals.

  • My individual misses having a paycheck…is there anything I can do?

    Yes! Please reach out to Elisa Ibarra our Director of Supported Employment in order to explore personal and unique employment opportunities.

  • My individual was in the sheltered workshop, what would he/she do now?

    The ISS program is for everyone! Unicorn Center is offering enhanced on-site activities as well as off-site community activities. Our individuals have access to a gym area, outside half court, sensory corner, a kitchen, music classes, simulated life skills area, and to participate in meaningful volunteer opportunities. Unicorn Center is also community integrated. Our individuals have the option of going all over San Antonio and we’d love to hear your suggestions!


Want to join the fun?

Contact us at (210) 334-2417 or info@mrmsat.org or complete and submit our online Interest Form below.

Program Interest Form

  • (Please check all that apply)